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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring is Here!

I know technically Spring has been here since March, but for me Spring is not here until Easter Week. It's going to reach a whopping 48 degrees in Atlanta today, but the Azaleas, tulips, and dogwoods are out! It feels light and airy, and polleny too. I know we are used to seeing Spring colors displayed in shoes, dresses, and hats. I've decided to display Spring colors in stones.

Spring is here! Enjoy!

These are both tourmaline. This stone is associated with objectivity, happiness, compassion, and serenity. We can never have too much tourmaline.

Aquamarine is a beautiful Spring shade of blue. This stone is said to aid in giving a quick intellectual response. If there are any folks out there who have to defend a dissertation or thesis this is the stone to wear.

This is Fluorite, very unusual isn't it? It is said to aid in meditation, so if your thoughts chatter on when you are supposed to be clearing your mind try to focus on some of this beautiful Fluorite.

These are all Mohave Turquoise. Did you know Turquoise came in such beautiful colors? I've posted earlier about turquoise being a stone used to ward off evil spirits. Well, it's also good to help you communicate honestly and clearly. It is a master healer stone, which makes perfect sense since honest communication can lead to healing.


Jennifer said...

Tourmaline is one of my favorites! I fell in love with it about 2 years ago...I need some of that clarity one though. Just looking at the picture, it does give off that energy :)

My Inspired Reality said...

Incredible gemstones, I love them all:):)

T.Allen said...

I'll take one of each!

Actually, I'm making my way out of the muck just in time for Easter; I will be renewed! Thanks for sending me love!

Barbara said...

Those are some beautiful stones. Spring has sprung here too and those of us who battle alergies are totally at war with nature right about now, lol. I have to say that I am enjoying the rain though... Miss J and I have our rainboots and we spend time outside going to and from school and splashing as we walk.

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

Oh man, that green stone just moves me... thank goodness for Spring!