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Friday, October 9, 2009


Today is John Lennon's Birtday! He imagined a world of love and peace. We are still walking towards it, and I don't know how far we have to go until we reach our destination. I do know that the longer we walk more and more people join the path. Hopefully the path to peace will be crowded with those rushing to that end.

One person leading that march is President Barack Obama! He has spent many years promoting a peaceful mindset, and as President he has not changed. Politics and criticism have not deterred him from promoting peace in the world. Today he won a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to change how America thinks about the world and how the world thinks about America.

Thanks to John Lennon for a beautiful song that keeps up imagining a peaceful environment, and thanks to President Obama for working tirelessly to bring peace to our world.


Dori said...


Top Blogs said...

Very informative post, after reading your post i came to know that Barack Obama has won a nobel peace prize.